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"You have circled this mountain long enough." Deut. 1:6

My wife and I are committed to $1 a day for the debt mountain. Additionally, we have bake sales. We want to see our church out of debt as soon as possible. We have cut back on our eating out, getting coffee, and our savings go to the debt mountain. Please join us in knocking out this debt.
I am going to be part of the dollar a day team. I already gave Beth on Monday, all the cash tips from Door Dash that I had been holding onto. The Holy Spirit led me to do that. That was $70. 🙂 I just wanted to make sure someone knew I was part of the dollar a day team.

Let’s move this mountain!
Well I was diagnosed with cancer in May. I was fortunate not to get Covid but either way I was devastated! I was a real mess, I had stage 3 cancer so I felt sorry for myself. Asking why me? What did I do wrong? Then about a week later I said what am I doing? I have God with me that’s all I need! I turned it ALL over to Him! I prayed and I mean I PRAYED, I thought God was going to get tired of me. But He didn’t I’m finished chemo and radiation and all I can say is he was there, he was with me, he kept me strong and fighting. HE IS THE UPMOST POWER AND I CAN”T PRAISE HIM ENOUGH!
— Yvette

We are loving being a part of the family at FBC. It brings us so much joy to bring our family together to receive the word. My husband and I want to show our son the right way in life to serve God.
— New Member Doris E.

I’m a hugger and have not been able to since covid.
I’ve noticed families sitting together now having meals(like it used to be.
I also came to the realization that I have ENOUGH!
— Carrie
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