Welcome guest to FBCDE.com

First Baptist Church is located in New Castle, DE. Our members spread through out the USA. We gather for Worship & Word on Sundays at 11:00 AM. We have groups for adults, teens, children and provide childcare for those 3 and under.

Check out our FAQ page for any questions you may have.

But first check out somethings that regular attenders and guest have said about FBC:

  • FBC is a loving family of believers.

  • There is free flowing hospitality.

  • We feel the Lord’s presence from Worship through what the Lord puts on Pastor Ron’s heart to speak.

  • The Word is preached with clarity.

  • It is a joy to be in the house of the LORD with those that truly love God and one another.

  • They are kind, humble and stay in touch, even with online members.